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Worse yet, it creates an ecological disaster. As a company heavily committed to outdoor activities we believe in giving our customers the most value for their hard-earned dollars and are strongly opposed to cutting trees and using non-replaceable oil to create disposable packaging. Our packaging philosophy is simple: none. It saves you dollars and helps preserve the outdoor environment we all cherish. Ron Kirk President CMI, Inc..v! dd<! dd<!dd<`(l@U1<<h8 ÎVd<1X Packaging costs you the consumer about one dollar out of every ten you spend. Worse yet, it creates an ecological disaster. As a company heavily committed to outdoor activities we believe in giving our customers the most value for their hard-earned dollars and are strongly opposed to cutting trees and using non-replaceable oil to create disposable packaging. Our packaging philosophy is simple: none. It saves you dollars and helps preserve the outdoor environment we all cherish. Ron Kirk President CMI, Inc."v! xdd<! xdd<!xdd<`hl8 ÎV|<1 Packaging costs you the consumer about one dollar out of every ten you spend. Worse yet, it creates an ecological disaster. As a company heavily committed to outdoor activities we believe in giving our customers the most value for their hard-earned dollars and are strongly opposed to cutting trees and using non-replaceable oil to create disposable packaging. Our packaging philosophy is simple: none. It saves you dollars and helps preserve the outdoor environment we all cherish. Ron Kirk President CMI, Inc."v! xdd<! xdd<!xdd<`h#qG|rUP<1zvPackaging costs you the consumer about one dollar out of every ten you spend. Worse yet, it creates an ecological disaster. As a company heavily committed to outdoor activities we believe in giving our customers the most value for their hard-earned dollars and are strongly opposed to cutting trees and using non-replaceable oil to create disposable packaging. Our packaging philosophy is simple: none. It saves you dollars and helps preserve the outdoor environment we all cherish. Ron Kirk President CMI, Inc.."P! xdd<!xdd<`(V8|rU1<<(\@U1<<(|qrU1<<l.8qCSddEPSF* CMI LOGO EPS-<  ""$$&&((**,,..0022446688::<<>>@@BBDDFFHHJJLLNNPPRRTTVVXXZZ\\^^``bbddffhhjjllnnpprrttvvxxzz||~~3} 3} 4P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??hlCGxtp|(0<11X)WA WORD ABOUT OUR PACKAGINGT*|dd<`hXq8|r8d`hu`  <1H_I!!jCMI, Inc. P.O. Box 535, Mill Road Franklin, WV 26807 USA 1-800-247-5901*!Ldd<lHluT9GS^FFEPSF* CMI LOGO EPS-<  ""$$&&((**,,..0022446688::<<>>@@BBDDFFHHJJLLNNPPRRTTVVXXZZ\\^^``bbddffhhjjllnnpprrttvvxxzz||~~3} 3} 4P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??h@XUC|r9LDPJ  <1H_I"""CMI, Inc. P.O. Box 535, Mill Road Franklin, WV 26807 USA 1-800-247-5901*!dd<h,HUXU840<&+<11I|IAA WORD ABOUT OUR PACKAGING*dd<`h @8U*$ (D0<11bbA WORD ABOUT OUR PACKAGINGT* dd<`l,*GS22EPSF* CMI LOGO EPS-<  ""$$&&((**,,..0022446688::<<>>@@BBDDFFHHJJLLNNPPRRTTVVXXZZ\\^^``bbddffhhjjllnnpprrttvvxxzz||~~3} 3} 4P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??P3}3}3} ??     ?  ? ?? ?  ?    ? ?? ? ??h _8Uc <1H_II.